ëlarm Health
ëlarm, a personal early warning indicator for viruses (including Covid-19), was created by Datamine, a New Zealand based AI company. Blomfield was responsible for public and media relations for the launch of this world-first innovation in the fight against the Coronavirus in mid-2020.
Related articles: forbes.com | NZ Herald
Mark Lipsham
Mark realised the dreams of many New Zealanders when he won Lotto’s Powerball. Blomfield has aided Mark to successfully manage his newfound wealth and ensure his best interests are looked after. This support includes litigation support services, business negotiations with other parties, supervising the acquisition of properties, and managing media enquiries.
Related articles: NZ Herald
Salter’s Cartage
Blomfield provided litigation support services as well as public and media relations services to Salters Cartage Limited to manage the fallout from a workplace accident and the subsequent proceeds of crime case launched by the Police against Salters Cartage and its owner, Ron Salter.
Related articles: The Daily Blog | NZ Herald
Save Queen St.
Blomfield coordinated the legal and public relations campaigns for Save Queen Street Society Incorporated to Save Queen Street from the Auckland Council and Auckland Transport’s plans to leave unsightly temporary “emergency works” on Queen Street indefinitely. High court proceedings and media exposure organised by Blomfield brought AC and AT to the negotiating table where they agreed to remove these unsightly emergency works.